Saturday, April 12, 2008

a "quote"

my REL professor said something interesting in class on thursday.

"the whole reason i teach religion is because i cannot understand a god who justifies killing."

most people will not understand this, or they will simply dismiss the statement as ignorant.

but i was there to hear the context in which he said it and see the expression on his face when he said it. in the moment, it meant something. it was for lack of a better description... pitifully honest.

as i make/mold my upcoming school schedule, i am impatient to take more religion classes.

and on a random note, the aforementioned professor reminds me of micah schmidt so much it should be witnessed by someone else acquainted with the two!


Dan said...

I am curious of the context... Does "killing" in this sense refer to the indiscriminate murder of innocent people, or to killing as an intentional act of retribution for human sin and corruption?

If the former was true, then yes, God would be unfair and unjust. But the Bible does not indicate so.

But if the latter is true, and I believe it is, then I can better understand how merciful God is, knowing that Jesus was killed in my place because God demands justice.

Mike said...

it's difficult to describe.

from what i understood, he was troubled by the number of killings that take place in god's name... that so many people kill in the name of god because they feel they are protecting their religious/internalized identity.

in other words, so many die "in the name of god," when in actuality, they are dying because of human corruption, choice, and misdirection.

the point about jesus being killed is a powerful example against those who believe god himself kills without purpose/meaning.

Dan said...

So is he funneling his disgruntlement with religious fanaticism into a generalization which implies that God is unfathomable, based on the misdeeds of people who may or may not represent their faith well?