Sunday, August 24, 2008

i do not believe there is a first for everything.

but definitely for somethings.

life is all about balance, and deservedly so.

my wife takes extraordinary care of me.

what a day...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

an element

it is currently thunderstorming outside, and the sound is heavenly.
i have opened the two windows that will not allow water inside.
i stood outside a few minutes ago watching the piercing elements clash together and the temptation was too great.
wearing my bathing suit, i was very aware of my premeditated choice.
i stepped into the rain and just let the raindrops soak my body.
i felt wonderfully juvenile and adventurous.
my what the long absence of rain can do to a person.
i smiled, closed my eyes, and looked up.
air never smelled better.
i have not done that in years.
several minutes later i decided by the sound of thunder and the excessive lightning that my fun better turn indoors.
now i have focused my cliche enjoyment upon enya and red wine.
it could rain for days and my mind would effortlessly be at ease.
this night is naturally spectacular.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

special dates

happy anniversary my love.

my gift was wonderful!

one year, one day...

Friday, August 01, 2008


some days of mine
are often filled with
stressful urgency,
ugly character,
tired company.

it's on these days
i remember my gift:

in my life, you
are everything that is
refreshingly calm,
expressly beautiful,
endlessly rewarding.